Science activity
Articles (17) More info
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Михайлова В.А.
, Марко О.Б.
, Давыдова А.А.
, Бакулина О.А.
, Перевязкина М.А.
, Мкртчян Э.Р.
, Капустин Р.В.
, Коган И.Ю.
, Сельков С.А.
, Соколов Д.И.
Микровезикулы эндотелиального происхождения в периферической крови беременных с преэклампсией Журнал акушерства и женских болезней. 2024. V.73. N5. P.30-43. DOI: 10.17816/jowd629577 OpenAlex |
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Korenevsky A.V.
, Milyutina Y.P.
, Bochkovsky S.K.
, Oshkolova A.A.
, Bespalova O.N.
, Selkov S.A.
, Sokolov D.I.
Micropreparative Cell Lysate Fractionation in Studying the Effect of Natural Killer Cells on Phenotype, Migration and Apoptosis of Trophoblast Cells in vitro Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology. 2024. V.60. N4. P.1385-1398. DOI: 10.1134/s0022093024040100 WOS РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Korenevsky A.V. A.V.
, Milyutina Y.P.
, Bochkovsky S.K.
, Sokolov D.I.
, Selkov S.A.
, Bespalova O.N.
Natural killer cell lysate fractions affect trophoblast cell proliferation in vitro Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin. 2024. V.79. N3. P.146-153. DOI: 10.3103/S0096392524601035 РИНЦ |
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Sokolov D.
, Gorshkova A.
, Tyshchuk E.
, Grebenkina P.
, Zementova M.
, Kogan I.
, Totolian A.
Large Extracellular Vesicles Derived from Natural Killer Cells Affect the Functions of Monocytes International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024. V.25. N17. 9478 . DOI: 10.3390/ijms25179478 WOS OpenAlex |
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Tyshchuk E.
, Grebenkina P.
, Selkov S.
, Sokolov D.
Endoglin Regulates Intercellular Interactions between Trophoblast and Natural Killer Cells Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology. 2024. V.60. N3. P.930-946. DOI: 10.1134/s0022093024030074 WOS OpenAlex |
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Sokolov D.
, Gorshkova A.
, Markova K.
, Milyutina Y.
, Pyatygina K.
, Zementova M.
, Korenevsky A.
, Mikhailova V.
, Selkov S.
Natural Killer Cell Derived Microvesicles Affect the Function of Trophoblast Cells Membranes. 2023. V.13. N2. 213 . DOI: 10.3390/membranes13020213 WOS РИНЦ PMID PMCID OpenAlex |
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Ibragimov A.
, Senotrusova S.
, Markova K.
, Karpulevich E.
, Ivanov A.
, Tyshchuk E.
, Grebenkina P.
, Stepanova O.
, Sirotskaya A.
, Kovaleva A.
, Oshkolova A.
, Zementova M.
, Konstantinova V.
, Kogan I.
, Selkov S.
, Sokolov D.
Deep Semantic Segmentation of Angiogenesis Images. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023. V.24. N2. 1102 . DOI: 10.3390/ijms24021102 WOS OpenAlex |
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Korenevsky A.V.
, Gert T.N.
, Berezkina M.E.
, Sinyavin S.A.
, Mikhailova V.A.
, Markova K.L.
, Simbirtsev A.S.
, Selkov S.A.
, Sokolov D.I.
Protein Fractions of Natural Killer Cell Lysates Affect the Phenotype, Proliferation and Migration of Endothelial Cells in vitro Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology. 2022. V.58. NS1. P.S134-S150. DOI: 10.1134/s0022093022070171 WOS РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Milyutina Y.P.
, Korenevskii A.V.
, Vasilyeva V.V.
, Bochkovskii S.K.
, Ishchenko A.M.
, Simbirtsev A.S.
, Sokolov D.I.
, Selkov S.A.
Caspase Activation in Trophoblast Cells after Interacting with Microparticles Produced by Natural Killer Cells in vitro Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology. 2022. V.58. N6. P.1834-1846. DOI: 10.1134/s002209302206014x WOS РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Korenevsky A.V.
, Berezkina M.E.
, Gert T.N.
, Sinyavin S.A.
, Selkov S.A.
, Sokolov D.I.
Phenotypic and functional characteristics of endothelial cells: the in vitro effects of protein fractions from the lysate of natural killer-derived microvesicles Медицинская иммунология. 2022. V.24. N3. P.463-480. DOI: 10.15789/1563-0625-paf-2376 РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Markova K.
, Mikhailova V.
, Milyutina Y.
, Korenevsky A.
, Sirotskaya A.
, Rodygina V.
, Tyshchuk E.
, Grebenkina P.
, Simbirtsev A.
, Selkov S.
, Sokolov D.
Effects of Microvesicles Derived from NK Cells Stimulated with IL-1β on the Phenotype and Functional Activity of Endothelial Cells International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021. V.22. N24. 13663 . DOI: 10.3390/ijms222413663 WOS OpenAlex |
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Sokolov D.I.
, Kozyreva A.R.
, Markova K.L.
, Mikhailova V.A.
, Korenevskii A.V.
, Miliutina Y.P.
, Balabas O.A.
, Chepanov S.V.
, Selkov S.A.
Microvesicles produced by monocytes affect the phenotype and functions of endothelial cells AIMS Allergy and Immunology. 2021. V.5. N3. P.135-159. DOI: 10.3934/allergy.2021011 WOS РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Korenevsky A.V.
, Milyutina Y.P.
, Berezkina M.E.
, Alexandrova E.P.
, Balabas O.A.
, Markova K.L.
, Selkov S.A.
, Sokolov D.I.
MALDI-TOF mass spectrometric protein profiling of THP-1 cells and their microvesicles Медицинская иммунология. 2021. V.23. N2. P.275-292. DOI: 10.15789/1563-0625-mtm-2141 РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Korenevsky A.V.
, Shcherbitskaia A.D.
, Berezkina M.E.
, Markova K.L.
, Alexandrova E.P.
, Balabas O.A.
, Selkov S.A.
, Sokolov D.I.
MALDI-TOF mass spectrometric protein profiling of microvesicles produced by the NK-92 natural killer cell line Медицинская иммунология. 2020. V.22. N4. P.633-646. DOI: 10.15789/1563-0625-mms-1976 РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Markova K.L.
, Mikhailova V.A.
, Korenevsky A.V.
, Milyutina Y.P.
, Rodygina V.V.
, Aleksandrova E.P.
, Markov A.S.
, Balabas O.A.
, Selkov S.A.
, Sokolov D.I.
Microvesicles produced by natural killer cells of the NK-92 cell line affect the phenotype and functions of endothelial cells of the EA.Hy926 cell line Медицинская иммунология. 2020. V.22. N2. P.249-268. DOI: 10.15789/1563-0625-mpb-1877 РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Sokolov D.I.
, Markova K.L.
, Mikhailova V.A.
, Vyazmina L.P.
, Milyutina Y.P.
, Kozyreva A.R.
, Zhdanova A.A.
, Malygina D.A.
, Onokhin K.V.
, Ivanova A.N.
, Korenevsky A.V.
, Selkov S.A.
PHENOTYPIC AND FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF MICROVESICLES PRODUCED BY NATURAL KILLER CELLS Медицинская иммунология. 2019. V.21. N4. P.669-688. DOI: 10.15789/1563-0625-2019-4-669-688 РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Korenevskii A.V.
, Milyutina Y.P.
, Zhdanova A.A.
, Pyatygina K.M.
, Sokolov D.I.
, Sel’kov S.A.
Mass-Spectrometric Analysis of Proteome of Microvesicles Produced by NK-92 Natural Killer Cells Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2018. V.165. N4. P.564-571. DOI: 10.1007/s10517-018-4214-7 WOS РИНЦ PMID OpenAlex |