Science activity
Articles (15) More info
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Tikhonov A.V.
, Krapivin M.I.
, Malysheva O.V.
, Komarova E.M.
, Golubeva A.V.
, Efimova O.A.
, Pendina A.A.
Re-Examination of PGT-A Detected Genetic Pathology in Compartments of Human Blastocysts: A Series of 23 Cases Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2024. V.13. N11. 3289 . DOI: 10.3390/jcm13113289 WOS OpenAlex |
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Koltsova A.S.
, Pendina A.A.
, Malysheva O.V.
, Trusova E.D.
, Staroverov D.A.
, Yarmolinskaya M.I.
, Polenov N.I.
, Glotov A.S.
, Kogan I.Y.
, Efimova O.A.
In Vitro Effect of Estrogen and Progesterone on Cytogenetic Profile of Uterine Leiomyomas International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024. DOI: 10.3390/ijms26010096 WOS OpenAlex |
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Pendina A.A.
, Krapivin M.I.
, Chiryaeva O.G.
, Petrova L.I.
, Pashkova E.P.
, Golubeva A.V.
, Tikhonov A.V.
, Koltsova A.S.
, Trusova E.D.
, Staroverov D.A.
, Glotov A.S.
, Bespalova O.N.
, Efimova O.A.
Chromosomal Abnormalities in Miscarriages and Maternal Age: New Insights from the Study of 7118 Cases Cells. 2024. DOI: 10.3390/cells14010008 WOS OpenAlex |
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Talantova O.E.
, Koltsova A.S.
, Tikhonov A.V.
, Pendina A.A.
, Malysheva O.V.
, Tarasenko O.A.
, Vashukova E.S.
, Shabanova E.S.
, Golubeva A.V.
, Chiryaeva O.G.
, Glotov A.S.
, Bespalova O.N.
, Efimova O.A.
Prenatal Detection of Trisomy 2: Considerations for Genetic Counseling and Testing Genes. 2023. V.14. N4. 913 . DOI: 10.3390/genes14040913 WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Pendina A.A.
, Krapivin M.I.
, Sagurova Y.M.
, Mekina I.D.
, Komarova E.M.
, Tikhonov A.V.
, Golubeva A.V.
, Gzgzyan A.M.
, Kogan I.Y.
, Efimova O.A.
Telomere Length in Human Spermatogenic Cells as a New Potential Predictor of Clinical Outcomes in ART Treatment with Intracytoplasmic Injection of Testicular Spermatozoa International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023. V.24. N13. 10427 . DOI: 10.3390/ijms241310427 WOS Scopus РИНЦ OpenAlex |
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Koltsova A.
, Efimova O.
, Pendina A.
A View on Uterine Leiomyoma Genesis through the Prism of Genetic, Epigenetic and Cellular Heterogeneity International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023. V.24. N6. 5752 . DOI: 10.3390/ijms24065752 WOS OpenAlex |
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Pendina A.
, Krapivin M.
, Mekina I.
, Aleksandrova I.
, Sagurova Y.
, Komarova E.
, Ishchuk M.
, Tikhonov A.
, Bespalova O.
, Gzgzyan A.
, Kogan I.
, Efimova O.
Successive Detection of Telomerase by IHC and Assessment of Telomere Length by Q-FISH in Paucicellular Cumulus Samples from Cumulus-Oocyte Complexes Obtained in Assisted Reproduction Programs OBM Genetics. 2022. V.06. N03. P.1-13. DOI: 10.21926/obm.genet.2203164 OpenAlex |
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Koltsova A.S.
, Efimova O.A.
, Pendina A.A.
, Chiryaeva O.G.
, Osinovskaya N.S.
, Shved N.Y.
, Yarmolinskaya M.I.
, Polenov N.I.
, Kunitsa V.V.
, Sagurova Y.M.
, Tral T.G.
, Tolibova G.K.
, Baranov V.S.
Uterine Leiomyomas with an Apparently Normal Karyotype Comprise Minor Heteroploid Subpopulations Differently Represented in vivo and in vitro Cytogenetic and Genome Research. 2021. V.161. N1-2. P.43-51. DOI: 10.1159/000513173 WOS OpenAlex |
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Pendina A.A.
, Krapivin M.I.
, Efimova O.A.
, Tikhonov A.V.
, Mekina I.D.
, Komarova E.M.
, Koltsova A.S.
, Gzgzyan A.M.
, Kogan I.Y.
, Chiryaeva O.G.
, Baranov V.S.
Telomere Length in Metaphase Chromosomes of Human Triploid Zygotes International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021. V.22. N11. 5579 . DOI: 10.3390/ijms22115579 WOS OpenAlex |
10 |
Krapivin M.I.
, Tikhonov A.V.
, Efimova O.A.
, Pendina A.A.
, Smirnova A.A.
, Chiryaeva O.G.
, Talantova O.E.
, Petrova L.I.
, Dudkina V.S.
, Baranov V.S.
Telomere Length in Chromosomally Normal and Abnormal Miscarriages and Ongoing Pregnancies and Its Association with 5-hydroxymethylcytosine Patterns International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021. V.22. N12. 6622 . DOI: 10.3390/ijms22126622 WOS OpenAlex |
11 |
Koltsova A.S.
, Efimova O.A.
, Malysheva O.V.
, Osinovskaya N.S.
, Liehr T.
, Al-Rikabi A.
, Shved N.Y.
, Sultanov I.Y.
, Chiryaeva O.G.
, Yarmolinskaya M.I.
, Polenov N.I.
, Kunitsa V.V.
, Kakhiani M.I.
, Tral T.G.
, Tolibova G.K.
, Bespalova O.N.
, Kogan I.Y.
, Glotov A.S.
, Baranov V.S.
, Pendina A.A.
Cytogenomic Profile of Uterine Leiomyoma: In Vivo vs. In Vitro Comparison Biomedicines. 2021. V.9. N12. 1777 . DOI: 10.3390/biomedicines9121777 WOS OpenAlex |
12 |
Shilenkova Y.V.
, Pendina A.A.
, Mekina I.D.
, Efimova O.A.
, Komarova E.M.
, Lesik E.A.
, Ishchuk M.A.
, Fedorova E.M.
, Chiryaeva O.G.
, Petrova L.I.
, Dudkina V.S.
, Talantova O.E.
, Gzgzyan A.M.
, Kogan I.Y.
Age and Serum AMH and FSH Levels as Predictors of the Number of Oocytes Retrieved from Chromosomal Translocation Carriers after Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation: Applicability and Limitations Genes. 2020. V.12. N1. 18 . DOI: 10.3390/genes12010018 WOS OpenAlex |
13 |
Efimova O.A.
, Koltsova A.S.
, Krapivin M.I.
, Tikhonov A.V.
, Pendina A.A.
Environmental Epigenetics and Genome Flexibility: Focus on 5-Hydroxymethylcytosine International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2020. V.21. N9. 3223 . DOI: 10.3390/ijms21093223 WOS OpenAlex |
14 |
Pendina A.A.
, Shilenkova Y.V.
, Talantova O.E.
, Efimova O.A.
, Chiryaeva O.G.
, Malysheva O.V.
, Dudkina V.S.
, Petrova L.I.
, Serebryakova E.A.
, Shabanova E.S.
, Mekina I.D.
, Komarova E.M.
, Koltsova A.S.
, Tikhonov A.V.
, Tral T.G.
, Tolibova G.K.
, Osinovskaya N.S.
, Krapivin M.I.
, Petrovskaia-Kaminskaia A.V.
, Korchak T.S.
, Ivashchenko T.E.
, Glotov O.S.
, Romanova O.V.
, Shikov A.E.
, Urazov S.P.
, Tsay V.V.
, Eismont Y.A.
, Scherbak S.G.
, Sagurova Y.M.
, Vashukova E.S.
, Kozyulina P.Y.
, Dvoynova N.M.
, Glotov A.S.
, Baranov V.S.
, Gzgzyan A.M.
, Kogan I.Y.
Reproductive History of a Woman With 8p and 18p Genetic Imbalance and Minor Phenotypic Abnormalities Frontiers in Genetics. 2019. V.10. 1164 . DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2019.01164 WOS OpenAlex |
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Koltsova A.S.
, Pendina A.A.
, Efimova O.A.
, Chiryaeva O.G.
, Kuznetzova T.V.
, Baranov V.S.
On the Complexity of Mechanisms and Consequences of Chromothripsis: An Update Frontiers in Genetics. 2019. V.10. DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2019.00393 WOS OpenAlex |